1A conventions from real media texts plan

In your experience, how has your understanding of real conventions developed through creating your productions?


intro: film opening in AS, music video A2

Film opening
what websites, films you looked at
concept of genre and why it's important
Talk about institutions - MV/ FO and production  (indie, night time productions)
How we made it mainstream (conventions etc)

research into media texts, and what we learned about our genre - examples from real films. influence from certain directors etc.

FO needed type of enigma codes - be catching. use real egs from FO
did we challenge genre conventions? conforming and subverting

Music video
research into genre - identify what our genre is and the conventions of it
performance, narrative or concept? how we did this
research into website and digipak - which influenced us
did we challenge conventions
to what extent did we use digital tech

what did we learn from using real media conventions?

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