Who am I?
- what makes me different? what makes me similar?
- what social group am I a part of?
- What are these groups's collective identity?
influence of the media:
How it affects us.
Any accurate representations?
Inaccurate or distorted portrayals?
Identification/ aspiration:
Teenagers in media who we identify with?
Audience interpretation:
Hall's encoding/ decoding
Dominant message of teens?
Negotiated interpretations? From adults/ teens?
Oppositional interpretations?
Henry Jenkins
Whats teen made from?
youth culture
emerged in 50s - different sub cultures
obvious economic potential - new market to fuel US boom
first negative stereotypes
Young men returning with PTSD
"white picket fence america" - perfect American families
current fads, role models, teen influences
ARTICLE to use for case study
Hoodies to goodies - guardian, 2014