Media Language plan 1B

Apply concept of media language to music vid

"media language is the way in which the meaning of a media text is conveyed to the audience.
Music video"

Mise en scen - many costumes
Video, website, digipak

Include theorists:
Barthes: explored the way that texts make meaning. Focus on linguistics and considered all cultural forms (including media) are made up from system of signs.
Studied two interrelated theories:

  1. Semiotics: study of individual signs
  2. Structuralism: study of relationships between those signs
The organisation of relationships encodes particular ideologies.

Active Audience - texts open to many possible interpretations from many perspectives. To consider perspectives, he looked at the semiotics and how they fit together (structuralism).
The audience creates the meaning of a finished text.

Myth and ideology: represented in media through semiotics and structuralism create a view of the world which may mask reality

Did it fit the genre?

Analyse, do not describe.
Discuss how we created the meaning for the audience.
Begin each paragraph with theorist then link to MV.

Intro: explain MV - what about?  where music from? Compare to other examples to show how followed/ challenged conventions.
And what is media language

main bulk: include 4 key areas:

  1. Camera - shot size, framing, angles, pans, zooms
  2. Sound - diegetic, non-diegetic, sound effects, music
  3. editing - fades, cuts, dissolves
  4. Mise-en-scen - costume, lighting, location, body language, acting, makeup
how well did we use media language to communicate meaning to an audience.

IRL online notes