1B Audience Plan

Why do audiences choose to consume certain texts?
How do audience consume texts?
What happens when they consume texts? (Effect)

Audience theories:
  • Effects model/ Hypodermic model
Effects model = Bobo Doll. Audience replicates what they consume 
Hypodermic model = Hypodermic needle injects information into the consumer.

  • Uses and Gratifications model
How audience consumes and uses the texts.
Personal Identification
Social Interaction - discussing film after watching

  • Reception Theory
How the audience receives media.
Decoding/ encoding
Preferred reading - Accepting the media, Negotiated reading - accept some aspects of media and disagree with others, Oppositional reading - Do not accept the media

How did we target our audience and how did they respond? 
Audience feedback/ research: digital impact (survey monkey etc)
Apply models.

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